Are Cellulite Creams Effective?

cosmeticAlmost every women’s magazine is littered with products that claim they can effectively diminish the unsightly appearance of dimpling or bulging cellulite from the skin. Many of these creams, lotions, and even sprays promise instant results in as little as a few days. While some may offer a long list of positive reviews about their product’s effectiveness, members of the scientific community has this to say about the perennial question, “Are cellulite creams effective?”, and the answer is a clear “No”.

Before you lose hop however, it is important to look at the claims of many of these anti-cellulite creams. They don’t say that your cellulite will be gone forever. They are not explicitly saying that their creams are the cure or treatment to the cellulite problem. What these companies are saying is that their products contain some of the most commonly used ingredients in the reduction of the appearance of these dimpling and bulging in the skin. Do take note that the keyword used is “reduction” and not “elimination”.

Come to think of it, eliminating cellulite forever is like rewriting your genes. While scientists remain baffled as to why a lot of women – up to 90 percent of post-pubertal women – experience cellulite in their lifetimes. And the fact that men who grow cellulite are typically those with androgenic deficiencies further fuels the speculation that cellulite is closely related to the action of female hormones. That being said, following logic that if cellulite is attributed to female hormones and that all females have these hormones, then cellulite is nothing but a normal phenomenon.

That is why it really is impossible to totally “cure” or eliminate cellulite because it is already considered as a natural part of the body’s physiologic processes. What can be done, however, is to reduce its dimpling and bulging so that it will not be so conspicuous when you’re out in the open with your bathing suit on.

Are cellulite creams effective? Insofar as the reduction of the appearance of the cellulite is concerned, one can say that these are effective to some extent. If you look at majority of their components, these contain caffeine and retinol, two substances that have been used in a variety of skin issues for many years. Caffeine is a stimulant that burns fat and which also helps flush out toxins from the body. It is believed these toxins can make the cellulite look worse than it really is. Retinol can help rejuvenate the skin and help in the increased production of collagen. This firms up the skin, leading to less visible dimpling or bulging.

Cellulite creams are effective insofar as providing temporary relief from the unsightly appearance of cellulite is concerned. But, if you’re looking for a more permanent solution, you might be disappointed.

All about Pneumonia

Pneumonia refers to a lung infection that also causes inflammation. This results in difficulty in breathing. This condition is accompanied by various symptoms which are dependent on a number of factors.

What is pneumonia?
Pneumonia is an infection in one or both lung. It can be caused by fungi, bacteria, or viruses. Pneumonia causes inflammation in your lung’s air sacs, or alveoli. The alveoli fill with fluid or pus, making it difficult to breathe.

Symptoms of pneumonia can range from mild to life-threatening. The severity of your pneumonia usually depends on:

The cause of your inflammation
The type of organism causing your infection
Your age
Your general health

Pneumonia symptoms are not uniform in that they vary from one person to the other. It all depends on the kind of infection you might have plus how old you are. There are also symptoms that are common like coughing hence the need for a proper diagnosis.

What Are the Symptoms of Pneumonia?

Pneumonia symptoms can vary from mild to severe, depending on the type of pneumonia you have, your age and health.

The most common symptoms of pneumonia are:

Cough (with some pneumonias you may cough up greenish or yellow mucus, or even bloody mucus)
Fever, which may be mild or high
Shaking chills
Shortness of breath, which may only occur when you climb stairs
Additional symptoms include:

Sharp or stabbing chest pain that gets worse when you breathe deeply or cough
Excessive sweating and clammy skin
Loss of appetite, low energy, and fatigue
Confusion, especially in older people
Symptoms also can vary, depending on whether your pneumonia is bacterial or viral.

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If left untreated pneumonia can lead to death. The mode of treatment is basically determined by the type of pneumonia or how severe it is. You are expected to drink lots of water to help flush out the toxins being destroyed by antibiotics.


Pneumonia can be serious so it’s important to get treatment quickly. The main treatment for pneumonia is antibiotics, along with rest and drinking plenty of water. If you have chest pain, you can take pain killers such as paracetamol.

Treatment depends on how severe your pneumonia is.

Mild pneumonia

If you have mild pneumonia, you may be able to manage it at home with treatment from your GP, especially if you have support from family and friends.

Your GP will prescribe a five-day course of antibiotics, which you’ll probably take as tablets. If you don’t start to feel better after three days, tell your GP %E

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Getting A Leg Up On Knee Pain.

Knee pain is an ailment that affects many sportsmen and runners around the world on a daily basis; the correct analysis is crucial to stopping the pain that reaches so a lot of people at some time in their lives.

Australian runners on the Central Coast of NSW have been part of research studies to locate the best way to prevent and handle knee pain. Treatment can be traditional, meaning non-surgical, or undergoing an operation. First, we found the best knee surgeon on the Central Coast, and sportsmen came from Gosford, Erina, and Tuggerah.

The knee specialist team found that many health conditions can cause knee pain. Conditions that cause knee the most trouble comprised:

* Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury;

* Tendonitis around the joint, most normally the patellar tendon, the expansive tendon over the front of the knee;

* Chondromalacia, which causes knee pain under the kneecap and is because of softening of the ligament;

* Separated kneecap;

* Baker’s blister or swelling in the back of the joint;

* Bursitis, simply over the kneecap;

* Plica illness, which is unusual and difficult to assess;

* Osgood-Schlatter infection, a condition discovered in young individuals and is because of aggravation of the growth plate at the front of the joint;

* Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), usually of the femur and uncovered in teenagers;

People who don’t know the cause of their joint pain symptoms or how to treat them should see a knee specialist.

These could be indicators of a serious ailment, and should not be dismissed. Whether due to an injury or illness, this kind of pain shouldn’t be dismissed.

Treatment of knee pain depends on its cause, and a physician should always be advised. It also pays to have your knee replacement surgery from the best knee surgeon in my area.

Common treatments for knee pain include rest and, in acute cases, the usage of crutches, ice packs and heat pads; muscle and tendon stretches, performed according to some regular routine; physical therapy; anti-inflammation medication (NSAIDS) or cortisone injections. Again, only a physician can determine the cause of joint pain and possible treatments. Knee pain can change your life in several ways. It can affect your freedom, your comfort and your complete life.

The good news is that most varieties of knee pain can be readily and quickly resolved; with the help of a trained physician you can be walking your way to more improved health right away, getting a knee through to the competition.

Even when it is not always possible to prevent a knee pain or injury, the following suggestions may help forestall knee problems and joint deterioration:

* Increase the level of your physical activity slowly. For instance, when you try to exercise again, walk rather than run.

* Optimise your action plan. If you’re involved in a sport or any action on a daily basis, it really is crucial to have the greatest method possible so that proper movement patterns are trained.

* Make sure your footwear fit well. Clearly, a well-fitting shoe helps you keep firmness, so, pick a sports shoe that is appropriate for your sport. As an example, running shoes will not be designed for pivots and turns but tennis and racquetball shoes are.

* Always listen to your body. If your knees hurt, or you feel exhausted, don’t be a hero – take a rest. You’re considerably more likely to injure yourself when you’re driving yourself.
Bottom line: Knee pain is extremely common. Treatment for a knee dilemma or damage may dependably comprise emergency treatment measures, rest, supporting, non-intrusive treatment, prescription and in some cases surgery. Treatment relies on upon the place, type and seriousness of the damage and in addition your actual age, wellbeing condition and motion level, for example, work, games and side interests.